Meet Embrace Change’s Summer 2022 Interns

Learn About Our Equitable Internship Program

If I were to reflect back on my college internships, the first thing that comes to mind is being assigned what felt, to me, like meaningless grunt work. I also remember feeling out-of-place and excluded from the larger team, and the whole experience seemed like an awkward way to while away a summer until classes started again. 

That’s why I set out to create a different experience for Embrace Change’s internship program. One where interns could really feel a part of the team (by joining and participating in our business development meetings), see us interact as regular people, and find ways to support their career growth even from this early stage. 

Most importantly, our interns can co-create their own programs and priorities to help them get the most out of the experience—while also helping to advance our company mission. Interns also receive free access to our career content, a free copy of Don’t Stay in Your Lane, and 1:1 office hours with key staff members for tailored guidance. The Embrace Change internship program is paid, with flexible scheduling, and fully remote. At the heart of our internship program is a focus on equity, support, and flexibility.

So without further ado, I’m thrilled to announce our first-ever cohort of Embrace Change interns for Summer 2022: Brittany Ruiz, our Educational Content Intern, and Aryan Bhagwat, our Financial Analyst Intern. Let’s meet ‘em!

Headshot of Embrace Change intern, Brittany Ruiz. Brittany has long brown hair, glasses, and a mauve top on.

Brittany recently graduated from undergrad at Brown University and is now pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Teaching there. She’s originally from California, with a passion for the great outdoors, baking and cooking, and fighting for a more equitable and just world (same!). She shares, “I’m learning more about how to best aid WOC in feeling empowered and confident in their abilities and pursuing careers/jobs that align with their own wants and needs.”

In Brittany’s role, she’ll focus on issues and topics our audience wants to know more about—or should know more about—in relation to the workplace, like networking effectively, knowing where to look for jobs, and identifying your skill set. (Have a topic you want Embrace Change to cover? Email with subject line: “Career Advice Content Request”!) Ultimately, Brittany’s content—whether graphics, PDFs, or short videos—will supplement the work we’re able to do with our clients and our greater audience.

Headshot of Embrace Change intern, Aryan Bhagwat. Aryan is wearing a white shirt, purple and blue striped tie, and a gray suit jacket.

Aryan is a rising junior at Brown majoring in applied math and economics. Outside of his classes, Aryan loves sports (both in person and virtually via FIFA), drinking boba (who doesn’t?), and enjoying nature.

Aryan’s main focus is on educational content about the economic climate in the US, particularly since we entered a bear market. Not only that, but he’ll also conduct research to explore new audiences for Embrace Change and help project future financial growth for the company. In his own words, he hopes to “refine his financial analysis skills and learn how to conduct industry research.”

Already, the contributions from Brittany and Aryan have been refreshing and game changing. We’re thrilled to have them on the team!

Interested in being a summer intern for 2023 (or know anyone who might be)? Starting in April 2023, email with subject line “INTERN APPLICATION” and share your resume and reasons you’re interested in joining the EC team.


Congratulations to Grant Recipient, Sage Xaxua Morgan-Hubbard!


Three Ways Companies Can Effectively Engage with Employees of Color in 2022