5 Strategies to Advance Your Career as a Woman of Color in 2023

As a woman of color, it can often feel like you're facing an uphill battle in your career. From combating unconscious bias to navigating microaggressions in the workplace, it's no secret that the journey to success can be fraught.

But don't let that discourage you! While we do face specific and intersectional barriers–structurally and interpersonally–we still have agency in shaping our career trajectories. And with the right strategies, you can steadily advance your career and reach your professional goals.

Here are five strategies you can use to help you advance your career as a woman of color in 2023:

1. Build your network

Networking is crucial for any ambitious professional, but it's especially important for women of color. Building relationships with others in your industry–and outside of your industry!–can help you access and land opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about.

For those of you who may shy away from networking, think of it simply as meeting new potential work friends! Or frame it as building mutually beneficial, generative relationships that can help both of you grow, professionally and otherwise.

So, how can you build your network? Consider attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and even reaching out to people in your field on LinkedIn. The more connections you make, the more opportunities you'll have to advance your career. Many more tips and tricks to help you embrace networking in 2023 here.

2. Seek out sponsors

While mentorship is important, having a sponsor or champion can make a huge difference in your career advancement. A sponsor is someone who actively advocates for you and helps you advance within your organization or industry. In other words, while mentors will share with you advice, perspective, and insights (i.e., talk), sponsors and champions will actually open doors for you, say your name in rooms you’re not in, nominate you for awards and opportunities (think: action).

If you're a woman of color, finding a sponsor can be especially valuable and game-changing. I’ve spoken previously on how women of color are over-mentored and under-sponsored, and finding someone who can advocate for you in 2023 can make a huge impact on your career path.

To find a sponsor, focus on increasing your visibility and “be a moving train.” And to work on this within a supportive, psychologically safe learning environment, check out our Leadership Accelerator program specifically for women of color and nonbinary people of color leaders.

3. Develop your leadership skills

As a woman of color, you may face additional challenges when it comes to securing leadership roles. While we can’t wave a magic wand to eliminate the racism, sexism/misogyny, and structural blocks baked into your workplace, focusing on sharpening your leadership skills is something that you can do to make yourself more competitive for leadership positions and give you more confidence to make quantum leaps in your career.

There are many ways to develop your leadership skills, including taking on leadership roles within your organization (informal leadership roles count!) or in your community (demonstrating your leadership skills in a volunteer capacity is still leadership!), seeking out leadership development training, and even creating opportunities to showcase your leadership by taking initiative to solve problems you identify around you.

4. Be proactive in your career development

The hard, ugly truth of the matter is that, as a woman of color, you likely won’t be given the same opportunities as your White counterparts. That's why it's important to be proactive in your career development (working hard and expecting your work to “speak for itself” isn’t going to get you the results you want). Take control of your own advancement.

This can include:

  • setting clear and strategic career goals

  • seeking out new opportunities for stretching yourself in terms of public speaking, writing, and facilitation, and

  • continuously learning and growing in (and beyond) your field.

It's also important to be proactive in advocating for yourself and negotiating for promotions and raises.

5. Support other women of color

While it's great to focus on your own career advancement, it's also crucial to support other women of color in their own career development. We are stronger together and there really is power in numbers! This can include mentoring other women of color, advocating for them (remember what we said about champions and sponsors? :) ), and creating a supportive work environment for all.

By supporting other women of color, you can help create a more inclusive and diverse workplace and pave the way for future generations of women of color to succeed.

Advancing your career as a woman of color isn’t necessarily easy, but if you leverage these strategies consistently across the year to grow and develop yourself (and to discern when it’s time to make a shift), you will reap the fruits of your labor.


Empowering Affirmations for Career-Minded Women of Color


Achieving Success in the New Year: Self-Reflection Questions for Women of Color [Updated for 2022]