How to get to the "next level" in your career, leadership, or business

Whenever we’re leveling up in our careers, or going through any kind of career transition or career change (which is arguably all the time), it's helpful to ask ourselves:

What do I need to shed or let go of, at this stage, in order to move forward–unencumbered? (Or least less encumbered? 😅)

We talk about this with our leaders in the Leadership Accelerator–as well as with many of our clients at Embrace Change:

What are you holding on to that is actually holding you back?

Is it:

fear of failure
fear of conflict
martyring yourself
the inability to say no
imposter syndrome?

Btw, it's okay to have these things in your life. These types of things are a natural byproduct of how we're socialized, conditioned, trained-whether at home, at school, by the media. So I don't want this to turn into an exercise of self-criticism (remember that was on the list??🙃) or a pity party.

It’s simply a gentle exercise of observation and reflection. Because if these things are present, what could things be like if you tried letting them go-or simply loosening your grip on them, just a little bit. Dial the intensity back from a 10 to a 9.5 or an 8 to a 7.8.

What then could be possible?

For more tactical considerations on leveling up in your career, leadership, or business, check out this video:


Staying Ahead of the Game: Leapfrogging Trends for Future Success


For the overwhelmed