Reaching the Summit: Forging Your Powerful Legacy as a Woman of Color Leader

You've risen through the ranks, breaking barriers and setting new standards. As a senior woman of color executive, you've achieved what many thought impossible. Yet, you know there's still a higher peak to conquer.

Your sights are set on joining the ranks of those transformative leaders who've become household names, whose decisions shape industries, and whose influence extends far beyond their own companies. It's not just about another title; it's about wielding influence that reshapes industries and leaves an indelible mark on the world and generations to come.

The Challenge: Unspoken Burdens of Leaders at Your Level

If what keeps you up at night includes:

  • The weight of being the "only" or the "first" in countless situations

  • The persistent barriers and microaggressions that don't disappear, even if you’re so used to them you don’t even perceive them anymore

  • The struggle to chart a course when you've long outgrown the traditional career ladder

  • The active resistance from those threatened by your ascent

  • The delicate balance between authenticity and the expectations of executive presence

  • The growing distance between you and your roots – family, friends, community – as you rise higher, leading to a profound sense of isolation

You're not alone. Even though you may find that your continued and increasing success sets you further and further apart from those you hold dear. The isolation can be one of the heaviest burdens of leadership.

The Solution: Your Bespoke Blueprint for Transformative Ascension

I'm Cynthia Pong, JD, an award-winning executive consultant and speaker who advises and emboldens women of color leaders to claim their rightful positions of power and influence. I've guided countless senior WOC leaders across industries, both individually and in groups. I don't merely understand your situation – I've developed proven methodologies and strategic frameworks to help you overcome these unique challenges – intentionally and authentically.

The VIP Day: Your Catapult to Unprecedented Influence

My exclusive VIP Day package is tailored for ambitious, accomplished, senior women of color leaders who are ready to invest in their legacy. In one intensive day, we'll craft a bespoke strategy and roadmap to elevate your influence, amplify your voice, and position you for the most coveted opportunities at the pinnacle of your field.

What We'll Accomplish:

  • Articulate your unique value proposition and craft a compelling personal narrative

  • Develop a thought leadership strategy that positions you as an industry visionary

  • Design a power network expansion plan

  • Refine your executive presence for maximum impact and authenticity

  • Identify and cultivate your personal advisory board for this next crucial career phase

  • Create strategies for navigating increased scrutiny and grappling with systemic challenges

  • Bridge the gap between your professional ascent and your personal roots

Why I'm Uniquely Qualified to Guide You

As the Founder and CEO of Embrace Change, I lead an elite, all-BIPOC team providing specialized consulting for women of color up to the C-suite. My clients have achieved remarkable results, including a 67% increase in compensation and doubling their equity.

I'm not just a consultant; I'm a recognized authority on career advancement for women of color. My book, Don't Stay in Your Lane: The Career Change Guide for Women of Color, has established me as a leading voice in this space. As a LinkedIn Top Voice for Job Search and Career, I've been featured in HBR, The Atlantic, on NBC, CBS, NPR, and more.

While other executive coaches and consultants may offer similar services, I uniquely combine the technical expertise to support high-level leaders with a deep understanding of – and tailored strategies for – women of color in top leadership positions.

A Testament to Transformation

Your Investment in Unparalleled Success

VIP Day packages start at $5,000. This is more than a one-day consulting session; it's a strategic investment in your future as an industry titan. You'll receive:

  • Four hours of intensive, one-on-one strategic planning and leadership and branding assets created just for you

  • Custom-tailored resources and frameworks

  • A comprehensive roadmap for your ascent to the top

  • One follow-up executive consulting session

  • Two "emergency" calls for additional support

  • A private dinner with Cynthia to celebrate your achievements and reflect further on your path forward

This is a done-for-you service during the VIP Day itself, but your commitment to executing the strategies we develop is key to your success.

Ready to Claim Your Place at the Summit?

Your unique voice and visionary leadership are needed at the highest levels. The time to claim your place is now.

Don't let another day pass without taking this crucial step towards your legacy. Together, we'll show the world the transformative power of women of color in positions of true influence.