5 Signs You're Ready to Break the $100K Salary Barrier

As a woman of color in the professional world, you've likely faced unique challenges on your career journey. From navigating workplace biases to battling debilitating imposter syndrome, the path to success can sometimes feel like an insurmountable uphill battle.

But here's the truth:

You have the potential to achieve great things, including breaking that coveted $100K salary barrier.

Yes, YOU.

At Embrace Change, we believe in empowering career-minded women of color to reach their full potential.

So if you've been wondering whether you're ready to take that next big step in your career, here are five signs that indicate you might be primed to join the six-figure club.

1. You've Mastered Your Current Role

One of the clearest indicators that you're ready for a higher salary is consistently exceeding expectations in your current position. Ask yourself:

  • Do you complete your tasks with ease and often ahead of schedule?

  • Are you the go-to person for complex problems or challenging projects?

  • Have you received positive feedback or recognition from superiors and colleagues?

If you answered yes to these questions, it's a strong sign that you've outgrown your current role and salary bracket. You've built a solid foundation of skills and experience, positioning yourself as a valuable asset worthy of higher compensation.

Here’s one action step you can take this week to leverage your expertise:

Request a Meeting with Your Manager: Schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss your current responsibilities and express your interest in taking on more challenging work. Come prepared with ideas for new projects or areas where you could contribute more to the team or company.

2. You're Actively Expanding Your Skill Set

In today's rapidly evolving job market, continuous learning is key to career advancement. WOC who break the $100K barrier often share a common trait: they're always looking to expand their knowledge and capabilities. This might involve:

  • Staying updated on industry trends and emerging technologies

  • Taking on stretch assignments or cross-functional projects

  • Attending industry conferences and workshops

  • Pursuing relevant certifications or advanced training

By actively investing in your professional development, you're not only increasing your value to potential employers but also building the confidence needed to negotiate higher salaries.

Here’s one action step you can take this week to level up even further:

Start a Skill-Sharing Lunch Group: Propose a weekly or bi-weekly lunch meeting where team members take turns teaching each other a skill they excel at. This not only helps you learn new skills but also positions you as a proactive leader in your workplace. Plan the first session for next week, focusing on a skill you can share.

3. You've Built a Strong Professional Network

Never underestimate the power of connections in your career journey. WOC who successfully navigate the path to six-figure salaries often have robust professional networks. This doesn't mean you need thousands of LinkedIn connections. Instead, focus on cultivating meaningful relationships within your industry and beyond.

Signs of a strong network include:

  • Having mentors who provide guidance and support

  • Regularly engaging in industry events and discussions

  • Being approached for job opportunities or collaborations

  • Having a circle of peers you can turn to for advice and support

Remember, your network is not just about what others can do for you, but also how you can contribute to and support others in their career journeys.

Here’s one action step you can take this week to boost your network to the next level:

Reach Out to a Former Colleague, Mentor, or Connection: I’ve been teaching this regularly in our cohort-based coaching programs and it is a GAME-changer if done weekly! Take 5-10 minutes today to send a thoughtful message to a former colleague or mentor you haven't spoken to in a few months or even a year. Share an update on your career, ask about their recent experiences, and express interest in reconnecting. This simple act can reignite valuable professional relationships.

4. You're Comfortable Advocating for Yourself

Breaking the $100K barrier often requires more than hard work and elbow grease–it requires the ability to advocate for yourself effectively. This can be particularly challenging for us as women of color, as we face additional barriers from systemic discrimination, deep cultural and media conditioning, and other forms of structural oppression.

Signs that you're becoming more comfortable with self-advocacy include:

  • Confidently discussing your achievements and contributions

  • Not “shrinking back” or minimizing your accomplishments and talents when receiving compliments

  • Proactively seeking feedback and acting on it

  • Expressing your career goals and aspirations to your superiors

  • Negotiating for better compensation or benefits

If you find yourself doing these things more often and with greater ease, you're developing a crucial skill for reaching higher salary levels.

Here’s one action step you can take this week to heighten your self-advocacy even further:

Schedule a "Value Conversation": Set up a brief meeting with your supervisor for 2 weeks from now. The goal is to discuss your contributions to the team and explore how you can add even more value. Prepare by listing your recent accomplishments and ideas for future projects. This proactive approach demonstrates your engagement and opens the door for discussions about career growth and compensation.

5. You're Thinking Strategically About Your Career

Lastly, women of color who successfully break into six-figure salaries tend to approach their careers with a strategic mindset. They don't just focus on the day-to-day tasks but have a clear vision for their professional future.

Signs of strategic career thinking include:

  • Setting clear, long-term career goals

  • Understanding industry trends and positioning yourself accordingly

  • Being open to lateral moves that offer growth potential

  • Refining and aligning your personal brand with your career aspirations

If you find yourself considering these aspects of your career regularly, you're thinking at the level required to command higher salaries.

Here’s one action step you can take this week to deepen your strategy:

Conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis: Set aside an hour this week to perform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of your career (more on this in a previous blog post, Listen to Your Gut: How to Intuitively Navigate Your Career Change [PART 1]). Be honest about your skills, the market demand for your expertise, potential obstacles, and emerging trends in your industry. This exercise will give you a clearer picture of your current position and help identify areas for growth or pivot opportunities.

Overcoming Challenges on the Path to $100K

While recognizing signs like the above is important, it's equally crucial to acknowledge the unique challenges that WOC face in reaching this milestone. Issues like the race and gender pay gap, racial bias and misogyny, and lack of representation in leadership roles can create serious hurdles for us.

But let me be clear: these challenges are not insurmountable.

By joining supportive communities like our EC Collective, you can harness the collective wisdom and strength of like-minded women of color. Here, you'll find a network of ambitious women of color who understand your journey, share your aspirations, and can offer invaluable insights from their own experiences. Our community offers resources, peer mentorship, and a space to share experiences and strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Taking that Next Step

If you recognize the above 5 signs in yourself, congratulations! You're well on your way to breaking the $100K salary barrier.

At the same time, recognizing your readiness is the first of several steps. To turn this potential into reality, consider:

  1. Researching salary ranges for your desired positions

  2. Updating your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your growth

  3. Practicing your negotiation skills

  4. Exploring new job opportunities that align with your worth

  5. Investing in professional development opportunities

Remember, breaking into the six-figure salary range is never only about the money. It's also not only about recognizing your worth, expanding your impact, and opening doors to new opportunities. It is also about raising the bar for all of us–and leaving an indelible mark and legacy for future generations of POC in the workplace.

Are you ready to take the next step–or leap–in your career journey? Join the EC Collective today and instantly connect with a community of like-minded WOC who are breaking barriers and achieving their career goals.

Alone, we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable.

Cynthia Pong, JD

This article was written by Cynthia Pong, JD, an award-winning executive coach, speaker, and author of Don’t Stay in Your Lane: The Career Change Guide for Women of Color.

A LinkedIn Top Voice for Job Search and Career, she has been featured in HBR, The Atlantic, and on NBC, CBS, NPR, and more.

As Founder and CEO of Embrace Change, Cynthia leads an elite, all-BIPOC team who provide specialized coaching and training programs for high-performing women of color up to the C-suite.


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