Ascending to the Pinnacle: Strategies for Women of Color Executives to Reach Unparalleled Influence

As a woman of color in a senior executive role, you've already shattered numerous ceilings and overcome countless obstacles. You're an SVP, maybe you're even in the C-suite already, but you know there's still room to grow. There's more you want to do, more of a legacy you want to leave.

And you're eyeing those rarefied positions at the absolute top–the Rosalind Brewer, Ursula Burns, Carla Harris levels of influence, respect, and recognition. This isn't just about another promotion; it's about becoming a titan in your industry, a name that opens doors and shapes conversations.

Here's how to take that final, crucial leap–even as the path becomes ever steeper and narrower.

Cultivate Your Unique Value Proposition

At this stage, technical skills and traditional leadership qualities are table stakes. What sets you apart is your unique perspective and experiences. Reflect deeply on your journey, the challenges you've overcome, and the insights you've gained. This narrative, woven with your expertise, becomes your unique value proposition.

Your story is not just a recitation of career milestones, but a powerful narrative that showcases your resilience, innovation, and vision. It's about how you've navigated complex organizational dynamics, led transformative initiatives, and consistently delivered results in high-pressure environments. This narrative should highlight not just what you've achieved, but how you've achieved it, emphasizing the unique approach you bring to leadership.

Strategic Step: Develop (or refine) your personal mission statement. It must encapsulates your journey, your values, and your vision for your industry. Make sure it's sticky, gripping, and compelling. This is the cornerstone of your personal brand–and it must precede you to amplify your reach and maximize results for you.

Expand Your Sphere of Influence Further

While your current role is crucial, true industry leadership requires a much broader platform. Seek opportunities to share your expertise and insights beyond your company's walls, ideally a few times a month.

Consider creating a content strategy that positions you as a thought leader. This could involve a mix of long-form articles, short-form social media posts, and multimedia content like podcasts or video series. The key is consistency and quality–regular, insightful contributions that demonstrate your expertise and unique perspective.

Strategic Steps:

  • Target high-profile speaking engagements at industry conferences, aiming for keynote slots

  • Contribute thought leadership articles to respected publications in your field, focusing on forward-thinking, innovative ideas

  • Consider writing a book that showcases your unique insights and experiences–this can be a powerful tool for establishing your authority

  • Engage meaningfully on social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn and Twitter, to share your perspectives on industry trends and engage with other thought leaders

Strategically Build Your Board Presence

Board positions not only enhance your profile but also provide invaluable networking opportunities and a broader perspective on business challenges. The path to securing lucrative board positions–particularly those on public boards that can pay $200,000 or more annually and come with equity–relies heavily on the "whisper network." This informal, word-of-mouth system is where your name needs to circulate among the right people.

To penetrate the exclusive network that leads to coveted board positions, employ a multi-pronged strategy. Cultivate meaningful relationships with current board members and executives who serve on multiple boards, engaging them in thoughtful conversations that showcase your value. Simultaneously, build connections with executive search firms specializing in board placements, ensuring they understand your unique strengths. Make your presence felt at exclusive events where board members and C-suite executives gather, leaving lasting impressions that extend beyond mere visibility. Remember, this process requires patience and persistence; each strategic interaction brings you closer to your goal of securing that prestigious board seat.

Strategic Steps:

  • If you haven't already, join the board of a non-profit aligned with your values; while it's an accessible starting point, recognize that it's not considered valuable relevant experience for public or private boards

  • Leverage your network to seek introductions to C-suite leaders and firms recruiting for board seats

  • Develop and showcase expertise in areas currently in high demand for board members, such as corporate financial strategy and performance, digital transformation, or ESG initiatives

  • Create a board-ready resume and bio that highlight your unique value proposition and board-relevant skills

Cultivate a Power Network

At this level, your network really is your net worth. Focus on building relationships with other high-level executives, particularly those outside your immediate industry.

Your network should be diverse and far-reaching, including not just corporate leaders, but also influential figures in politics, academia, and non-profit sectors. These connections can provide valuable insights, open unexpected doors, and enhance your overall influence.

Strategic Steps:

  • Join exclusive executive networks and actively participate in their events, boosting your visibility within them such that you become a leader among leaders

  • Seek out mentorship relationships with CEOs or board chairs of Fortune 500 companies

  • Consider hiring a high-level executive coach or leadership consultant to accelerate your connections in desired circles

  • Host your own events or intimate gatherings, positioning yourself as a connector and thought leader

Refine Your Executive Presence

As one of the few women of color at your level, your presence in any room is notable. Ensure it's also commanding and memorable.

As a senior woman of color leader, you have to thread a finer needle than others. You face a triple bind–not merely the double bind that White women face––in how you present yourself in professional spaces. Your executive presence should be a carefully crafted blend of authority, authenticity, and approachability. It's about commanding respect while also inspiring trust and fostering connection. This presence should be consistent across all platforms–from boardrooms to social media.

Strategic Steps:

  • Work with a communications coach to refine your public speaking skills, focusing on storytelling and persuasive communication

  • Develop a signature style and unique content that's both powerful and distinctive, setting you apart from peers

  • Practice articulating complex ideas with clarity and conviction, becoming known for your ability to simplify complex concepts

  • Cultivate a personal brand that's recognizable and respected, including your digital presence and personal style

Leverage Your Unique Perspective

Your experiences as a woman of color in the upper echelons of leadership are rare and valuable. Use this perspective to offer unique insights and solutions.

Your intersectional background gives you a distinct vantage point on issues like inclusive leadership, global markets, and innovative problem-solving. Don't shy away from this: it's a strength that can set you apart in high-level discussions and decision-making processes.

Strategic Step: Identify a critical challenge in your industry and develop an innovative approach to addressing it, drawing on your unique experiences and viewpoint. Share this solution through various channels to lay claim to it and establish yourself as a visionary leader.

Build a Personal Advisory Board

Surround yourself with a diverse group of trusted advisors who can offer different perspectives and open doors to new opportunities. Your personal advisory board of the past may have helped you get where you are today, but they may or may not be the advisors to keep you there–much less get you where you want to go next.

Step back and think about who you need in your personal advisory board for the next stage of your career. What abilities, backgrounds, past experience, and connections do you want your advisors to bring to the table?

Strategic Step: Identify 5-7 individuals from various backgrounds (e.g., a retired CEO, a media expert, a tech innovator) who can serve as your personal advisory board. Ensure this group includes individuals who can challenge your thinking and provide access to networks you're aiming to penetrate.

Prepare for Increased Scrutiny

As you approach the highest levels of leadership, the scrutiny will only intensify. Prepare yourself mentally, as well as practically and strategically.

At this level, every decision you make and every statement you utter will be under the microscope. It's crucial to maintain a thick skin in addition to your authenticity. Remember, your resilience in the face of this scrutiny can itself become part of your powerful narrative.

Strategic Steps:

  • Work with a PR professional to develop a crisis communication plan and media training

  • Regularly audit your online presence and past statements, ensuring consistency with your current brand and values

  • Stay true to your values while being mindful of how your words and actions may be perceived

  • Develop strategies for handling microaggressions and biases that may persist even at the highest levels

Remember, at this level, advancement isn't just about climbing the corporate ladder. It's about expanding your influence, shaping your industry, and leaving a lasting legacy. You've already proven your exceptional capabilities. Now, it's time to showcase your visionary leadership on the biggest stages.

The path to becoming the next Rosalind Brewer, Ursula Burns, or Carla Harris may be challenging, but with strategic focus, unwavering determination, and a clear vision of your unique value, you can join these ranks of truly influential leaders. Your voice and leadership are needed at the highest levels. The time to claim your place is now.

Cynthia Pong, JD

This article was written by Cynthia Pong, JD, an award-winning executive coach, speaker, and author of Don’t Stay in Your Lane: The Career Change Guide for Women of Color.

A LinkedIn Top Voice for Job Search and Career, she has been featured in HBR, The Atlantic, and on NBC, CBS, NPR, and more.

As Founder and CEO of Embrace Change, Cynthia leads an elite, all-BIPOC team who provide specialized coaching and training programs for high-performing women of color up to the C-suite.

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