This is how we win – even in a dumpster fire year

I don't know about you, but I feel like everyone in my communities – from my neighbors to my social media friends – just exhaled a collective sigh of relief. And, wow, does it feel good!!

All year, it's felt like so many things are on hold (from hiring freezes, having to relocate, homeschooling children while working from home). Plus the sense of facing the unthinkable and insurmountable (grieving the loss of loved ones from COVID, medical apartheid, and other causes; layoffs and furloughs; contracts and revenue lost) has made things feel extra demoralizing.

Add the continued racist police murders and the uncertainty around this election and it's no wonder we all felt on edge for so long.

But although these election results are not at all the mountaintop we're striving for – it is still a big win. And it's the result of years of countless people's labor, collective resistance, and standing up to bigotry and oppression.


Just as this win happened in spite – and because – of all the challenges of this year, my clients and I have also achieved major wins in spite – and because – of all the challenges of this year.

Here are a few client highlights:

  • A former client recently got a new job created just for her – with a title upgrade of her choice, a salary increase she negotiated, and more leadership and autonomy. This is all after our work to pivot her career to what she was passionate about.

  • Two current clients were able to leave their toxic workplaces – one to another job that's a far better fit and the other to grow her creative business.

  • Another has been negotiating her comp package all year and most recently increased her salary by 67% – and negotiated equity in the company too!

Reader highlights:

  • One Don't Stay in Your Lane reader just came back to buy her 3rd copy for a friend and emailed me: "I love the book and I feel like every woman should have a copy."

  • Another messaged me to say it's part of her "starter kit" to help her clients transition out of their roles or companies.

  • Yet another told me DSIYL isn't a book so much as it's a course because there's so much substantive content to it!

Lastly, here are some of mine:

  • As for me, at the end of 2019, I set a goal of doing 3 podcasts and 4 live speaking engagements in 2020. Year to date, I've been on 20 podcasts and have delivered 9 live speaking engagements (sure, 6 were virtual talks, but let's face it, those are even harder than in-person talks!😅).

  • And I should probably mention, that my 2020 goal for my book was simply to "get it out there." Now, not only is it "out there," but in about 2 months, Don't Stay in Your Lane sales have already surpassed $9K!

These wins didn't happen because of luck or magic. They happened because my clients had a goal in mind and simply did not give up. Sure, we worked on how to strategically position them for these successes, but wins don't necessarily happen on schedule. Just look at how long it took Nevada to get their votes in...!🤣

So here's the nugget I want you to take away from this: No matter how impossible it seems or downtrodden you feel, don't give up your on your goals, don't give up on yourself. I'm not asking you to hustle and grind 24/7 – not at all. Take breaks and allow for "off" weeks, but promise me you'll always go back to it and never give up.

I already see you winning🤩


5 Questions to Ask Yourself at Year-End [UPDATED FOR 2020]


The Pong Effect: Switching Lanes Midcareer [GUEST BLOG POST]